
Merger and settlement timetable for shareholders
Expert opinion
Report of the Grupa LOTOS Management Board for the merger purpose
Schedule 5 to the Merger Plan - document specifying the value of total assets and liabilities of PKN ORLEN
Schedule 2 to the Merger Plan - draft resolution of the Grupa LOTOS GM on the merger
Schedule 3 to the Merger Plan - draft amendments to the PKN ORLEN Statutes
Schedule 4 to the Merger Plan - document specifying the value of total assets and liabilities of Grupa LOTOS
Schedule 1 to the Merger Plan - draft resolution of the PKN ORLEN GM on the merger
Merger Plan
Report of the PKN ORLEN Management Board for the merger purpose

Annual reports LOTOS Group


Directors' report
Annual report
Consolidated annual report
Financial statements
Consolidated financial statements


Annual report
Consolidated annual report
Financial statements
Consolidated financial statements
Directors' report


Annual report
Consolidated annual report

Annual reports PKN Orlen


Consolidated annual report
Annual report
Data from financial statements
Payments to goverments
Report on non-financial information


Consolidated annual report
Annual report
Data from financial statements
Payments to governments
Report on non-financial information


Report on non-financial information
Payments to governments
Annual report
Consolidated annual report
Data from financial statements