
Report no. 23/2022

Suspension of trading in shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. and stock futures contracts of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the delisting of stock futures contracts in Grupa LOTOS S.A. in connection with the merger of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with PKN ORLEN S.A

With reference to current report No. 22/2022, the management board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that it was informed on 26 July 2022 that the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) (the “WSE”) adopted:
Report no. 22/2022

Submission of an application for the suspension of trading in shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. and delisting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. in connection with the merger of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with PKN ORLEN S.A.

With reference to current reports No. 21/2020, No. 10/2021, No. 15/2021, No. 16/2021, No. 40/2021, No. 41/2021, No. 1/2022, No. 10/2022, No. 12/2022, No. 16/2022, No. 19/2022 and No. 21/2022, the management board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on 21 July 2022, the Company submitted an application to the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) for the suspension of trading in the shares in the Company and delisting of the Company
Report no. 19/2022

Second notification of the shareholders of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the intended merger of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with PKN ORLEN S.A.

In reference to the current reports No. 21/2020, 10/2021, 15/2021, 16/2021, 40/2021, 41/2021, 1/2022 and 10/2022, acting pursuant to Article 504 §1 of the act of 15 September 2000 – the Commercial Companies Code (the “CCC”), the management board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) notifies of the intended merger of the Company with PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”) that will be conducted pursuant to Article 492 § 1(1) of the CCC by transfer of the estate (majątek) of the Company (the target) to PKN ORLEN (the surviving entity) in exchange for the shares which will be allotted by PKN ORLEN to the Company shareholders (the “Merger”).
Report no. 17/2022

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 398, Art. 399.1 and Art. 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid up in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60 (the “Company”), gives notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at 11:00 am on July 20th 2022 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 16/2022

European Commission approves LOTOS’ acquisition by PKN ORLEN

Further to Current Reports No. 21/2020, 10/2021, 15/2021, 16/2021, 40/2021, 41/2021, 1/2022 and 10/2022, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on June 20th 2022 it was notified of approval by the European Commission (the “EC”) of the buyers of divestment assets proposed by PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”), such assets to be divested pursuant to the merger remedies (the “Remedies”) defined in the EC’s decision of July 14th 2020 granting conditional clearance to the concentration consisting in the acquisition of control of the Company by PKN ORLEN. The EC also approved the agreements entered into with these prospective buyers.
Report no. 12/2022

First notification of the shareholders of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the intended merger of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with PKN ORLEN S.A.

In reference to the current reports No. 21/2020, 10/2021, 15/2021, 16/2021, 40/2021, 41/2021, 1/2022 and 10/2022, acting pursuant to Article 504 §1 of the act of 15 September 2000 – the Commercial Companies Code (the “CCC”), the management board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) informs that, on 15 June 2022, the Company was delivered an expert opinion concerning the plan of merger of the Company with PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”) made pursuant to Article 503 §1 of the CCC, and thus notifies of the intended merger of the Company with PKN ORLEN.
Report no. 11/2022

Submission by a shareholder of draft resolution concerning certain item placed on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. convened for June 17th, 2022

Emerytalny of Warsaw (the “Shareholder”), represented by Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. of Warsaw, acting pursuant to Art. 401.4. of the Commercial Companies Code, draft resolution concerning item 13 - The allocation of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s net profit for 2021
Report no. 10/2022

Agreement concerning the plan of merger of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with PKN Orlen S.A. and determination of the exchange rate of the shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. into the shares in PKN Orlen S.A.

In reference to the current reports No. 21/2020, 10/2021, 15/2021, 16/2021, 40/2021, 41/2021 and 1/2022 Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) informs that, on June 2nd 2022, the Company and PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”) have reached a written agreement concerning the merger plan (the “Merger Plan”). The merger will be based on Article 492 § 1(1) of the Commercial Companies Code by transfer of the entire assets of the Company (the target) to PKN Orlen (the surviving entity) in exchange for the shares which will be assigned to the Company shareholders by PKN Orlen (the “Merger”).
Report no. 9/2022

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 395, Art. 399.1 and Art. 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid up in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60 (the “Company”), gives notice of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at 10:00 am on June 17th 2022 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 8/2022

Management Board recommendation regarding net profit sharing and non-payment of dividend for 2021

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on May 11th 2022 the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. passed a resolution to recommend to the Company’s Annual General Meeting that the net profit disclosed in the Company’s separate financial statements for 2021 of PLN 2,519,835,199.42 be fully allocated to the Company’s reserve funds in order to secure the Company’s financial liquidity.
Report no. 1/2022

Implementation of remedies resulting from the conditional approval by the European Commission of PKN ORLEN S.A.’s acquisition of control of Grupa LOTOS S.A., conclusion of a preliminary share purchase agreement for 100% of shares in LOTOS Paliwa sp. z o.o., and delayed disclosure of inside information on the conclusion of a preliminary share purchase agreement for 30% of shares in LOTOS Asfalt sp. z o.o. and a preliminary agreement for sale of a spun-off organised part of enterprise comprising fuel wholesale business

Further to Current Reports No. 21/2020, No. 10/2021, No. 40/2021 and No. 41/2021, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces completion of the work on the implementation of the remedies defined in the decision of the European Commission (the “Commission”), dated July 14th 2020, to conditionally approve the intended concentration involving acquisition of control of the Company by Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”), issued pursuant to Article 8(2), second subparagraph, of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of January 20th 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the Merger Regulation) (OJ L 24, p. 1) (the “Remedies”).
Report no. 43/2021

Annex to letter of intent signed between Grupa LOTOS S.A., PKN Orlen S.A. and ENERGA S.A. to analyse feasibility of joint CCGT project

Further to Current Report No. 29/2020 of November 2nd 2020, Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that on 29th December 2021 an amending annex was signed to the letter of intent (the “Letter of Intent”) to analyse the feasibility and possible terms of a joint project involving the construction of a CCGT unit in Gdańsk (the “Annex”) between ENERGA S.A., Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. and Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Parties”). Under the Annex, the Letter of Intent will be binding on the parties until relevant agreements are signed, but not later than until December 31st 2022.
Report no. 40/2021

Grupa LOTOS S.A. to take up new shares in LOTOS Asfalt sp. z o.o. in exchange for in-kind contribution in the form of organised part of business

Further to Current Report No. 10/2021, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS” or the “Company”) announces that in connection with the adopted plan of internal reorganisation measures, in order to optimise the structure of the Company’s group and prepare for the implementation of required remedies (see Current Report No. 21/2020 for more information), on November 2nd, 2021 the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of LOTOS Asfalt sp. z o.o. (“LOTOS Asfalt”) passed a resolution to increase the share capital of LOTOS Asfalt through the issue of new shares, all of which were taken up by Grupa LOTOS as the sole shareholder of LOTOS Asfalt and in exchange for an in-kind contribution in the form of an organised part of the Company’s business
Report no. 36/2021

Submission by a shareholder of draft resolutions concerning certain items placed on the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. convened for October 14th 2021

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on October 13th 2021 it received from the shareholder Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny of Warsaw (the “Shareholder”), acting pursuant to Art. 401.4. of the Commercial Companies Code, draft resolutions concerning items 7–11 of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened for October 14th 2021, as announced by the Company in Current Report No. 32/2021.
Report no. 35/2021

Assimilation of 14,040 Grupa LOTOS shares

Further to current report No. 33/2021 of September 27th 2021 regarding the introduction to trading on the stock exchange market of 14,040 (fourteen thousand and forty) Series A shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A., Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on September 27th 2021 the Central Securities Depository of Poland (the “CSDP”) decided that 14,040 (fourteen thousand and forty) Series A registered ordinary shares in the Company assigned code PLLOTOS00033 would be converted into ordinary bearer shares and assimilated with bearer shares registered under code PLLOTOS00025 with effect from September 30th 2021.
Report no. 34/2021

Signing a contract for the implementation of the Hydrocracked Base Oil Project (HBO)

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on September 28th 2021 LOTOS Oil Sp. z o.o. (“LOTOS Oil”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and Kinetics Technology S.p.A. of Rome (“Kinetics Technology”) signed an Engineering Procurement & Construction Lump Sum Turnkey Contract ( the “EPC-LSTK Contract”) for the entire technical scope of work under the Hydrocracked Base Oil Project (the “HBO Project”). 
Report no. 33/2021

Listing of 14,040 Series A shares in Grupa LOTOS

Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that, pursuant to Resolution No. 178/2005 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (the “WSE”) of June 3rd 2005, and pursuant to Section 36, Section 37, Section 38.1 and Section 38.3 of the WSE Rules, the WSE Management Board passed Resolution No. 916/2021 of September 22nd 2021 to introduce to trading on the main market, with effect from September 30th 2021, 14,040 (fourteen thousand forty) Series A shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. with a par value of PLN 1 (one złoty)
Report no. 32/2021

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 398, Art. 399.1 and Art. 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Section 8.1-2, 8.5 and 8.7 of the Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid up in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, gives notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting 
Report no. 31/2021

Registration of amendments to Grupa LOTOS Articles of Association with National Court Register

Further to Current Report No. 27/2021 of June 30th 2021 announcing the resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”), on September 13th 2021 the District Court of Gdańsk Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, registered amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association made by Resolution No. 21 of the Annual General Meeting and comprising: 
Report no. 22/2021

Prepayment of all debt contracted to implement EFRA

Further to Current Report No. 20/2015 of June 30th 2015, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on June 10th 2021 the subsidiary LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. (“LOTOS Asfalt”) notified a syndicate of the following financial institutions: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (financing under the “Polish Investments” programme), Bank Millennium S.A., Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., Santander Bank Polska S.A. (formerly: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.), Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A., Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń S.A., Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A., and Société Générale S.A. (jointly the “Banks”), of its intention to make a voluntary prepayment of the entire debt under the agreement providing for a term facility of USD 432,000,000 (the “Term Facility”) and a revolving facility of up to PLN 300,000,000 (the “Revolving Facility”) dated June 30th 2015, contracted by LOTOS Asfalt to finance the EFRA Project (jointly the “EFRA Facility”).
Report no. 20/2021

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 395, Art. 399.1 and Art. 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the A95rticles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid up in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, gives notice of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at 11:00 am on June 30th 2021 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 18/2021

Appointment of Grupa LOTOS Management Board of 11th term of office

Following completion of the selection process for the positions of President of the Management Board and Vice Presidents of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. ("Company") of the 11th joint term of office, the Company announces that on May 27th 2021 the Supervisory Board of the Company shortened the 10th term of office of the Management Board by removing its existing Members, i.e. Zofia Paryła, Krzysztof Nowicki, Jarosław Wittstock, Jarosław Wróbel and Piotr Walczak, and appointing, with effect from May 28th 2021, the Management Board of the 11th joint term of office the following persons: Ms Zofia Paryła - President of the Management Board, Mr Krzysztof Nowicki - Vice President of the Management Board, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mr Piotr Walczak - Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Refining & Marketing Officer, Mr Jarosław Wittstock - Vice President of the Management Board, Corporate Affairs, Mr Jarosław Wróbel - Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Investment and Innovation Officer.
Report no. 17/2021

Notification of shareholding change

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company") announces that on May 20th 2021 the Company received a notification given under Art. 87.1.2b of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies of July 29th 2005, concerning an increase in the total number of Company shares held by the funds managed by Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. above 5% of total voting rights.
Report no. 16/2021

Conclusion of cooperation agreement between Grupa LOTOS S.A., PKN Orlen S.A., PGNiG S.A. and the State Treasury

Further to Current Report No. 21/2020 of July 14th 2020 on a positive conditional decision of the European Commission to acquire control of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) by PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”), the Company announces that on May 12th 2021 it entered into a Cooperation Agreement (the “Agreement”) with PKN Orlen S.A., PGNiG S.A. (“PGNiG”) and the State Treasury
Report no. 31/2020

Appointment of acting President of the Grupa LOTOS Management Board

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that following the resignation of Paweł Jan Majewski from the position of President of the Company's Management Board (see Current Report No. 30/2020), the Company's Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 13.2 of the Company's Articles of Association, has today appointed Zofia Maria Paryła as acting President of the Management Board.
Report no. 29/2020

Letter of Intent signed between Grupa LOTOS S.A., PKN Orlen S.A. and ENERGA S.A. to analyse feasibility of joint CCGT project

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on November 2nd 2020 a Letter of Intent to analyse the feasibility of a joint project to construct a CCGT power plant in Gdańsk, to be completed by July 2026 (the “Project”), was signed between ENERGA S.A., Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. and Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Parties”).
Report no. 27/2020

Execution of inter-creditor agreement and agreement on assignment of rights and receivables of Grupa LOTOS S.A. under subordinated loan granted to Grupa Azoty Poliolefins S.A.

Further to Current Report No. 12/2020 of May 31st 2020 on the execution of transaction documents concerning the terms and conditions of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s involvement in the financing of the Polimery Police project, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on October 7th 2020 an inter-creditor agreement was executed
Report no. 24/2020

Memorandum of Understanding signed for PKN ORLEN’s acquisition of Grupa LOTOS shares from the State Treasury

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on August 18th 2020, the State Treasury, PKN Orlen S.A. (“PKN Orlen”) and the Company signed a memorandum of understanding for the proposed transaction in which PKN Orlen would acquire Company shares representing at least 53% of its share capital and voting rights at its general meeting from the State Treasury
Report no. 23/2020

Removal of Member of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the „Company”) announces that on July 30th 2020 it was notified that the Company’s Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 13.2.1 in conjunction with Art. 14.4 and 14.5 of the Company’s Articles of Association,  removed Jaroslaw Pawel Kawula from the Grupa LOTOS Management Board of the tenth joint term of office with effect from July 30th 2020.
Report no. 19/2020

Appointment of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Supervisory Board of 11th term of office

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on June 30th 2020, following the end of the 10th term of office and the expiry of the mandates of members of the Company’s Supervisory Board, the Annual General Meeting appointed to the Company’s Supervisory Board of the 11th term of office the persons specified below, who were also members of the Company’s Supervisory Board of the tenth term of office: - Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła – Chair - Ms Katarzyna Lewandowska - Mr Piotr Ciach - Mr Dariusz Figura - Mr Adam Lewandowski - Mr Grzegorz Rybicki.
Report no. 14/2020

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 395, Art. 399.1 and Art 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, gives notice of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at the Company's registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on June 30th 2020.
Report no. 12/2020

Execution of transaction documents concerning the terms and conditions of Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s involvement in the financing of the Polimery Police project

Further to Current Report No. 41/2019 of December 13th 2019, which referred to the execution of the term-sheet concerning involvement in the financing of the Polimery Police project, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on May 31st 2020 agreements were signed to define the terms and conditions of the equity investment and subordinated debt financing (the “Transaction Documents”) in connection with the Grupa Azoty Polyolefins S.A.'s Polimery Police project 
Report no. 41/2019

Execution of memorandum of understanding with respect to participation in financing of “Polimery Police” investment project

Further to Current Report No. 9/2019 of April 26th 2019, Current Report No. 35/2019 of October 31st 2019, Current Report No. 38/2019 of November 22nd 2019 and Current Report No. 39/2019 of December 6th 2019, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on December 13th 2019 the Company signed a memorandum of understanding (the “MoU”) with Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A. and Grupa Azoty Polyolefins S.A. setting out the terms of an equity investment in and debt financing of the “Polimery Police” investment project (the “Project”).
Report no. 38/2019

Execution of annex to letter of intent on financing of „Polimery Police” investment project

Further to Current Report No. 35/2019 of October 31st 2019, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on November 22nd 2019 the Company, Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A. and Grupa Azoty Polyolefins S.A. signed an annex to the letter of intent on potential financing of the Polimery Police project, extending the document’s validity
Report no. 37/2019

Correction of consolidated annual report for 2018 and separate annual report for 2018

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that in the Directors’ Report on the operations of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the LOTOS Group in 2018 (the “Report”), forming part of the consolidated annual report for 2018 and the separate annual report for 2018, issued on March 12th 2019, there is an error relating to the number of independent members of the Company’s Audit Committee.
Report no. 36/2019

Discontinuance of court proceedings to revoke the resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting on June 28th 2018

Further to Current Report No. 24/2018 of August 10th 2018, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that the Circuit Court of Gdańsk decided to discontinue the proceedings to revoke the resolutions passed by the Company’s Annual General Meeting on June 28th 2018 in view of a settlement reached by the parties whereby the plaintiff agreed to withdraw the action and waive the claims asserted in the proceedings.
Report no. 30/2019

Correction of H1 2019 consolidated report

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that the Company erroneously failed to attach the independent auditor’s report on the review of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements to its H1 2019 report issued on August 20th 2019. To correct that error, the Company publishes, attached hereto, the independent auditor’s report on the review of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Report no. 27/2019

Changes in Grupa LOTOS Management Board

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on July 24th 2019 the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. appointed the following persons to the Company’s Management Board of the 10th joint term of office (with effect from July 25th 2019): Ms Zofia Maria Paryła, as Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer, and Mr Marian Roman Krzemiński, as Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Investment and Innovation Officer.
Report no. 25/2019

Removal of Member of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board

  Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on July 11th 2019 it was notified that the Company’s Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 13.2.1 and 14.4 and 14.5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, removed Mr Patryk Demski and Mr Robert Sobków from the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the 10th joint term of office, with effect from July 11th 2019.
Report no. 24/2019

New loan agreements signed to refinance credit facilities taken to fund 10+ Programme

Further to Current Report No. 32/2008 of June 27th 2008, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Company”) announces that on July 2nd 2019 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and a bank syndicate comprising ING Bank Śląski S.A., PEKAO S.A., PKO BP S.A., Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Bank EU AG, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p. A, Caixabank S.A. (Spółka Akcyjna), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A. and Erste Group Bank AG, signed new loan agreements to refinance credit facilities taken out to fund the 10+ Programme.
Report no. 19/2019

Shareholder's motion regarding the submission of draft resolutions regarding matters included in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS SA

Grupa LOTOS SA ("Company") informs that on June 26, 2019, the Company received the application of the shareholder of the Company - the Treasury of State - drawn up on the basis of art. 401 §4 of the Commercial Companies Code - regarding the submission of draft resolutions regarding matters included in the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders ("ZWZ") convened for June 28, 2019 n matters covered by item 16 of the agenda:
Report no. 18

Shareholder’s proposal of draft resolutions on matters included in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the „Company”) announces that on June 25th 2019 it received a proposal from the State Treasury, a shareholder of the Company, made pursuant to Art. 401.4 of the Commercial Companies Code, of draft resolutions on matters included in the agenda of the Company’s Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) convened for June 28th 2019, concerning the following items:
Report no. 15/2019

A shareholder's request to put items on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS SA convened for June 28, 2019

Grupa LOTOS SA ("Company") informs about receiving on June 7, 2019 the motion of a shareholder - the State Treasury acting on behalf of which the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland acts, representing at least one twentieth of the Company's share capital, to include in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting additional points as follows:
Report no. 14

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

  Acting pursuant to Art. 395, Art. 399.1 and Art 4021 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, gives notice of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at the Company's registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on June 28th 2019.
Report no. 13

EFRA project – update

As an update of the information published by Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) in Current Report No. 31/2018 of October 31st 2018, the Company announces that its subsidiary LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. and the General Contractor for the EFRA Project, Kinetics Technology S.p. A. (“KT”) signed an annex to the agreement for the engineering design, delivery and construction of a delayed coker unit (DCU with auxiliary facilities) and a hydrogen generation unit (HGU),
Report no. 9/2019

Execution of letter of intent on potential financing of Polimery Police investment project

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that today: the Company, PDH Polska S.A. (“PDH”), Grupa Azoty S.A. and Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A., jointly referred to as the “Parties”, signed a letter of intent (the “Letter of Intent”) providing the basis for commencing discussion on the Company’s potential participation in financing the Polimery Police project
Report no. 7/2019

Listing of one Series A share in Grupa LOTOS

Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that, pursuant to Resolution No. 178/2005 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (the “WSE”) of June 3rd 2005, and pursuant to Section 36, Section 38.1 and Section 38.3 of the WSE Rules, the WSE Management Board passed Resolution No. 340/2019 of April 17th 2019 to introduce to trading on the main market, with effect from April 29th 2019, 1 (one) Series A share in Grupa LOTOS S.A. with a par value of PLN 1 (one złoty), assigned code PLLOTOS00033 by the Central Securities Depository of Poland (the “CSDP”).
Report no. 4/2019

Delay in B8 field development

On March 1st 2019, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”, the “Issuer”) received information on a change of the planned target development date for the B8 field. The main reason for the delay is that the field infrastructure needs to be modified as a result of design errors and changes to the concept for the conversion of the platform and development of the field, which were made in 2014–2015 and whose combined adverse effects have affected the project in the current period.
Report no. 2/2019

Notification: Major holdings of shares

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on January 30th 2019 the Company received a notification given under Art. 69 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Or’ganised Trading, and Public Companies, dated July 29th 2005 from the shareholder Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny concerning a reduction of the shareholder’s share in total voting rights at the Company’s General Meeting below 5%.
Report no. 32/2018

Execution of annex to contract for engineering, procurement and construction of key EFRA units

Further to Current Report No. 31/2018 of October 31st 2018, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on December 4th 2018 the Company’s subsidiary LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. and KT - Kinetics Technology S.p.A. (“KT”) signed an annex to the contract for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of key EFRA units, as described in the Current Report mentioned above.
Report no. 31

Update of information on EFRA project progress – proposed annex to contract for engineering, procurement and construction of key EFRA units

By way of update to the information published by Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) in Current Report No. 21/2018 of July 13th 2018, the Company’s Management Board announces that:  negotiations have been concluded as a result of which the parties have agreed on the wording of a draft annex to the contract for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of key EFRA units (see Current Report No. 24/2015) between the Company’s subsidiary, LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. and KT-Kinetics Technology S.p.A. (“KT”); the Company has received KT’s proposal sent to LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. via electronic transmission to execute the annex on the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.  
Report no. 30

Correction of consolidated interim report for Q3 2018

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that in the Management’s Discussion and Analysis and in the notes to the Q3 2018 results, included in the LOTOS Group’s consolidated quarterly report for Q3 2018 issued on October 30th 2018, in the ‘Sales structure in the downstream segment’ table (p. 15), an apparent error was made as a result of which the volume of JET aviation fuel sales and, consequently, other figures based on this value were incorrectly disclosed.
Report no. 25

Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny S.A. with over 5% of total voting rights at Grupa LOTOS S.A.

  The Management Board of Grupa Lotos S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on August 10th 2018 it was informed of a notification received by the Company from Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny S.A. (the “Shareholder”) under Art. 69 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies of July 29th 2005, stating that the Shareholder exceeded 5% of total voting rights at the Company.  
Report no. 19/2018

Resolution passed by Grupa LOTOS S.A. Annual General Meeting after adjournment

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk (the “Company”) announces that on July 12th 2018, the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company, resumed after adjournment, adopted Resolution No. 22 to grant its consent to the planned subscription and payment for shares in the increased share capital of LOTOS Upstream sp. z o.o., and to oblige the Management Board to submit to the Supervisory Board monthly reports on execution of activities related to the increase of the share capital of LOTOS Upstream sp. z o.o. During the AGM, one objection to Resolution No. 22 was raised and recorded in the minutes. Afterwards, the Annual General Meeting was closed.
Report no. 12/2018

Request by shareholder to place certain items on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. convened for June 28th 2018

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on June 7th 2018 it received a request from the State Treasury – the Prime Minister of Poland, a shareholder of the Company, made pursuant to Art. 401.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.6 of the Company's Articles of Association, to place on the agenda of the Company’s Annual General Meeting (the “AGM") convened for June 28th 2018 additional items 
Report no. 9

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 395 and Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (paid in full), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, gives notice of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., to be held at the Company's registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on June 28th 2018.
Report no. 7/2018

Changes in the composition of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

In connection with the conclusion of the recruitment procedure for the positions of members of the Grupa LOTOS Management Board of the 10th term of office, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on May 18th 2018 the Company’s Supervisory Board shortened the duration of the 9th term of office of the Management Board; dismissed, as of May 21st 2018, the current members of the Management Board, i.e. Mr Mateusz Aleksander Bonca and Mr Jarosław Paweł Kawula; and revoked, as of May 21st 2018, the delegation of Mr Piotr Ciach, Member of the Supervisory Board, to temporarily perform duties of a Member of the Grupa LOTOS Management Board of the 9th term. Further, the Supervisory Board appointed the following persons to the Management Board of the 10th term of office
Report no. 5/2018

Commencement of due diligence at Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that following a request received from Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN S.A.”), a due diligence process concerning the Company has been undertaken by PKN ORLEN S.A. The commencement of due diligence is connected with the letter of intent signed by PKN ORLEN S.A. and the State Treasury (for more details, see Current Report No. 26/2018 published by PKN ORLEN S.A.)
Report no. 4/2018

Changes in Grupa LOTOS Management Board

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on March 19th 2018 it received information that the Company’s Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 13.2.1 and Art. 14.4 and 14.5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, removed Mr Marcin Adam Jastrzębski, President of the Management Board, from the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the 9th term of office.
Report no. 19

Removal of Member of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on September 5th 2017 it was notified that the Company’s Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 13.2.1 and 14.3 of the Company’s Articles of Association, removed Mr Mariusz Machajewski from the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the 9th joint term of office, with effect from September 5th 2017. 
Report no. 14

Date and agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and draft resolutions

Acting pursuant to Art. 395, Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Section 8.1−4 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at. 11:00 am on June 14th 2017.      
Report no. 5/2017

Change of agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting upon shareholder request

Further to Current Report No. 4/2017 of Febraury 17th 2017, Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces a new agenda for the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting convened for 11.00 am on March 17th 2017 at the Company’s registered office, ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, changed upon a request submitted by the State Treasury as a shareholder entitled to make such requests, concerning changes in the Articles of Association.
Report no. 4/2017

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code, Article 8.5 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, and Section 11.1.9−10 of the Rules of Procedure for the Management Board, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on March 17th 2017.
Report no. 2/2017

Changes in the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on January 12th 2017 Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s Supervisory Board appointed Mr Marcin Jastrzębski as President of the Management Board and Mr Jarosław Kawula as Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Refining Officer, with effect as of January 12th 2017. Mr Marcin Jastrzębski resigned from the position of Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer.
Report no.

Removal of Member of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board

Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on December 14th 2016 it was notified that the Company’s Supervisory Board, acting pursuant to Art. 368.4 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 13.2.1 and 14.3 of the Company’s Articles of Association, removed Mr Przemysław Marchlewicz from the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the 9th joint term of office, with effect from December 14th 2016. 
Report no. 45/2016

Change of agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting upon shareholder request

Further to Current Report No. 44/2016 of November 25th 2016, Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces a new agenda for the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting convened for 11.00 am on December 22nd 2016 at the Company’s registered office, ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, changed upon a request submitted by the State Treasury as a shareholder entitled to make such requests, concerning changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board.
Report no. 44/2016

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 400 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.6 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Business Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, calls an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on December 22nd 2016.
Report no. 36/2016

Date, agenda and draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 400 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.6 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls an Extraordinary General Meeting
Report no. 33/2016

Court’s ruling on complaint against decision of the Director of Tax Chamber in Gdańsk

With reference to Current Report No. 29/2015 of October 14th 2015, Current Report No. 10/2016 of March 8th 2016 and Current Report No. 12/2016 of April 1st 2016, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Company”) announces that on July 20th 2016 the Provincial Administrative Court of Gdańsk dismissed the Company’s complaint against the decision of Director of Tax Chamber
Report no. 31/2016

Appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. - additional information and update

Further to Current Reports No. 27/2016 and 29/2016 of June 28th 2016, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) hereby publishes a biographical note on Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła and other legally required information on the newly appointed members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.  of the ninth joint term of office: Ms Agnieszka Szklarczyk-Mierzwa, Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła and Mr Mariusz Golecki.
Report no. 29/2016

Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Company”) announces that today, i.e. on June 28th 2016, the Annual General Meeting appointed Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła, a Supervisory Board member, as the Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the ninth joint term of office. Concurrently, the Annual General Meeting removed Mr Cezary Krasodomski from the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the ninth joint term of office and appointed Mr Mariusz Jerzy Golecki in his place.
Report no. 27/2016

Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Company”) announces that on June 28th 2016 it was notified that the State Treasury (Company shareholder), acting under Art. 11.2 of the Company’s Articles of Association, removed Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła from the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the ninth joint term of office and appointed Ms Agnieszka Stolarczyk-Mierzwa in her place.
Report no. 23/2016

Transactions in financial instruments of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by entity closely related to Supervisory Board member

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on June 10th 2016 it was notified of transactions in financial instruments of Grupa LOTOS S.A. executed by PZU Żucie S.A., an entity closely related to a member of the Company's Supervisory Board, Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła, within the meaning of Art. 160.2.4(a) of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of July 29th 2005 (consolidated text: Dz.U. 2014, item 94, as amended). Ms Beata Kozłowska-Chyła is a member of a managing body at PZU Życie S.A. Total value of the transactions exceeded EUR 5,000 as calculated at the mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for the transaction date.
Report no. 22/2016

Court’s ruling on complaint against decision of the Director of Tax Chamber in Gdańsk

With reference to Current Report No. 29/2015 of October 14th 2015, Current Report No. 1/2016 of January 7th 2016 and Current Report No. 8/2016 of February 4th 2016, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Company”) announces that on June 8th 2016 the Provincial Administrative Court of Gdańsk dismissed the Company’s complaint against the decision of Director of Tax Chamber in Gdańsk dated December 29th 2015 concerning the settlement of VAT tax for individual months of 2010
Report no. 21/2016

Change of AGM agenda upon a shareholder’s request

The Management Board of Grupa Lotos S.A. of Gdańsk (the “Company”) announces a new agenda of the Company’s Annual General Meeting convened for 11.00 am on June 28th 2016 at the Company’s registered office, ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, as changed upon a request submitted by the State Treasury as a shareholder entitled to make such requests, concerning changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board.
Report no. 19/2016

Date and agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

  Acting pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Section 8.1−4 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, on June 28th 2016.  
Report no. 11/2016

Execution of significant contracts between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Varo Energy Supply Trading B.V.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that over the last twelve months, by March 18th 2016, Grupa LOTOS and Varo Energy Supply Trading B.V. executed contracts for an aggregate amount of approximately USD 193m, VAT-exclusive (ca. PLN 731m translated at the USD/PLN mid rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for March 18th 2016), thus meeting the criteria of a significant agreement (more than 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s equity).
Report no. 9/2016

Estimates of selected factors with material bearing on LOTOS Group’s consolidated performance

Considering the dynamic developments in the macroeconomic environment, related chiefly to the fall of crude oil prices and, consequently, prices of refining products, as well as the strengthening of the US dollar, in particular against the Polish złoty, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. presents estimates of selected factors with a bearing on the consolidated performance of the LOTOS Group.
Report no. 8/2016

Complaint against decision of Director of Tax Chamber in Gdańsk

With reference to Current Report No. 29/2015 dated October 14th 2015 and Current Report No. 1/2016 dated January 7th 2016, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that it has filed a complaint with the Provincial Administrative Court of Gdańsk against the decision of the Director of the Tax Chamber in Gdańsk, which upheld the decision of the Director of the Tax Audit Office in Bydgoszcz (the “TAO”). 
Report no. 7/2016

Changes to the composition of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the Company) announces that by a resolution of the General Meeting from 27th of January the following persons were removed from the Supervisory Board of the ninth term of office (the Supervisory Board): Mr Wiesław Skwarko (Chairman), Ms Agnieszka Trzaskalska (Deputy Chairperson), Mr Oskar Pawłowski (Secretary), and members: Ms Małgorzata Hirszel and Mr Michał Rumiński. Further, the following persons were appointed to the Supervisory Board: Mr Robert Pietryszyn (Chairman), Mr Dariusz Figura, Ms Katarzyna Lewandowska, Mr Cezary Krasodomski, and Ms Maria Sierpińska.
Report no. 2/2016

Conclusion of an annex to the contract for crude oil supplies between Rosneft Oil Company and Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that on January 22nd 2016 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Rosneft Oil Company of Moscow, the Russian Federation, signed an annex to the term contract of December 20th 2013 for crude oil supplies to Grupa LOTOS S.A., the conclusion of which was announced by the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. in Current Report No. 36/2013 of December 20th 2013 (the “Annex”).
Report no. 43/2015

Completed acquisition of production assets in the Sleipner area under the agreement concluded by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS and ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Norway AS

Further to Current Report No. 30/2015 of October 31st 2015 and Current Report No. 35/2015 of December 22nd 2015, concerning the agreement on acquisition of assets of significant value in the Sleipner area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge (a subsidiary of the Issuer and member of the LOTOS Petrobaltic Group), the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that on December 31st 2015 it obtained information that the acquisition of the assets under the above agreement was completed.
Report no. 40/2015

Date and agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 400 of the Commercial Companies Code and Section 8.6 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 129,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company's registered office at Elbląska Street 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on January 27h, 2016.
Report no. 35/2015

Satisfaction of conditions precedent for the agreement on acquisition of assets of significant value in the Sleipner Area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, concluded by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS and ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Norway AS connected to obtaining administrative decisions

Further to Current Report No. 30/2015 of October 31st 2015, concerning execution of the agreement on acquisition of assets of significant value in the Sleipner Area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, concluded by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS (a subsidiary of the Issuer, owned by LOTOS Petrobaltic), the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that on December 22nd 2015 it obtained information on satisfaction of conditions precedent for the agreement, i.e. securing of required administrative decisions of Norway’s Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.  The transaction closing is planned up to December 31st 2015.
Report no. 34/2015

Supplementary information regarding the completed subscription for Series D ordinary bearer shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Further to Current Report No. 45/2014 of December 12th 2014, where it concerned the publishing of information specified in Sections 12 and 13 thereof, i.e. information on costs related to the public offering of Series D ordinary bearer shares, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that the total costs of the issue of Series D shares amounted to PLN 23,538 thousand (VAT exclusive), including:
Report no. 32/2015

Pledges over assets of significant value

Further to Current Report No. 20/2015, the Management Board of Grupa Lotos S.A. (“Company”) announces that on November 12th 2015 it was notified that on November 3rd 2015 two registered pledges over 100% of shares in LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o., the Company’s subsidiary (“Pledgor”), were entered in the Pledge Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 9th Commercial Division of the Pledge Register. 
Report no. 31/2015

Pledge over assets of significant value

Further to Current Report No. 20/2015, the Management Board of Grupa Lotos S.A. (“Company”) announces that on November 9th 2015 it was notified that on November 2nd 2015 a registered pledge over 100% of shares in LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o., a subsidiary of the Company (“Pledgor”), was entered in the Pledge Register maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 9th Commercial Division of the Pledge Register.
Report no. 30/2015

Acquisition of significant value assets by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge on the Norwegian Continental Shelf

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the "Company", the “Issuer”) announces that on October 31st 2015 obtained information about execution of an agreement between LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge AS ("LOTOS Norge"), a subsidiary of the Issuer, owned by LOTOS Petrobaltic Group and ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Norway AS of Stavanger, Norway, dated October 30th, 2015, for the purchase of assets in the Sleipner area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Report no. 29/2015

Estimates of selected factors with material bearing on LOTOS Group’s consolidated performance in Q3 2015

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the ‘Company’) announces that on October 14th 2015 the Company filed appeals with the Director of the Tax Chamber in Gdańsk against two decisions issued by the Director of the Tax Audit Office in Bydgoszcz (‘TAO’), in which the latter assessed the VAT payable by the Company for the period from January to December 2010 and from January to December 2011, identifying VAT arrears of PLN 48.4m for 2010 and PLN 112.5m for 2011.
Report no. 28/2015

Satisfaction of conditions precedent for disbursing funds under the credit facility agreement for financing of the EFRA Programme signed by LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. with a syndicate of financial institutions

Further to Current Reports No. 20/2015 of June 30th 2015 and No. 27/2015 of September 7th 2015, concerning the execution of a credit facility agreement between LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o., a subsidiary of Grupa LOTOS S.A., and a syndicate of financial institutions comprising Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (which is to advance financing under the Polish Investments state-run scheme), Bank Millennium S.A., Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. (the “Facility Agent”), Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A., Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń S.A., Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. and Société Générale for financing of the EFRA Programme,
Report no. 27/2015

Execution of documents establishing security constituting part of conditions precedent for disbursing funds under the credit facility agreement for the financing of the EFRA Project of June 30th 2015

Further to Current Report No. 20/2015 of June 30th 2015 concerning the execution of a conditional credit facility agreement between LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o., a subsidiary of Grupa LOTOS S.A., and a syndicate of financial institutions comprising Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Report no. 26/2015

Execution of coke sale contract

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS”, the “Company”) announces that on August 21st 2015 LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. (“LOTOS Asfalt”, the “Seller”), a company controlled by Grupa LOTOS, and Oxbow Energy Solutions B.V. of Rotterdam (“Oxbow”, the “Buyer”), entered into a contract to sell coke produced at the delayed coking unit (DCU), to be built under the EFRA (Effective Refining) project. 
Report no. 24/2015

Execution of a contract for engineering, procurement and construction of the main units of the EFRA Programme – Significant agreement

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS”) announces that, as part of the EFRA (“Effective Refining”) Programme, on July 14th 2015, LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o. (“LOTOS Asfalt”), controlled by Grupa LOTOS, and Rome-based Kinetics Technology S.p.A., subsidiary of Maire Tecnimont Group of  Italy, signed a lump-sum turn key contract for engineering, procurement and construction of the Programme’s main units: 
Report no. 21/2015

Resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. resumed after adjournment on June 30th 2015

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby publishes the resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., resumed after adjournment on June 30th 2015 (see: Current Report No. 16/2015), and announces that during the resumed Meeting no objection was submitted for inclusion in the minutes and no item on the agenda was omitted.
Report no. 19/2015

Appointment of Members of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. for the ninth term of office

Further to Current Report No. 14/2015 of May 29th 2015 on the appointment of Mr Paweł Olechnowicz as President of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the ‘Company’, the ‘Issuer’), the Company announces that today the Supervisory Board closed the procedure to appoint Vice-Presidents of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of the ninth joint term of office.
Report no. 10/2015

Date and agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Articles 8.1-4 and 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 184,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on June 1st 2015.
Report no. 9/2015

Execution of significant contracts between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and VITOL S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that over the last twelve months, by April 22nd 2015, Grupa LOTOS and VITOL S.A. executed contracts for an aggregate amount of USD 193m, VAT-exclusive (ca. PLN 720m translated at the USD/PLN mid rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for April 21st 2015), thus meeting the criteria of a significant agreement (more than 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s equity).
Report no. 6/2015

Estimates of selected factors with material bearing on LOTOS Group’s consolidated performance in Q4 2014.

Considering the dynamic developments in the macroeconomic environment, related chiefly to the fall of crude oil prices and, consequently, prices of refining products, as well as the strengthening of the US dollar, in particular against the Polish złoty, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. presents estimates of selected factors with a bearing on the consolidated performance of the LOTOS Group. 
Report no. 4/2015

Information regarding introduction of 55,000,000 series D shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. to stock exchange trading and the designation of the last day of listing of the rights to the series D shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice that on 16 January 2015 it became aware that the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A., the “WSE”) adopted on 16 January 2015 the following resolutions
Report no. 3/2015

Conditional registration of the series D shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the National Depository for Securities

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice that, pursuant to Resolution No.  27/15 of the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A., the “NDS”) of 15 January 2015, the Management Board of the NDS has decided to register 55,000,000 (fifty five million) series D ordinary bearer shares of the Company (the “New Shares”) in the depository for securities kept by the NDS and mark them with the PLLOTOS00025 code
Report no. 45/2014

Information regarding the completed subscription for series D ordinary bearer shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Following the completion on 9 December 2014 of the subscription for and allotment of 55,000,000 series D ordinary bearer shares of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 1 each (the “New Shares”) conducted pursuant to Resolution No. 2 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 8 September 2014 on increasing the Company's share capital by way of issue of new shares, public offering of new shares, setting the record date for the entitlement of preemptive rights in respect of new shares for November 18th 2014, conversion into book-entry form and seeking admission of pre-emptive rights, allotment certificates and new shares to trading on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, amending the Company's Articles of Association and authorising the Supervisory Board to prepare a consolidated text of the Company’s Articles of Association, as announced in the current report No. 19/2014 of 8 September 2014, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) is releasing to the public the following information:
Report no. 44/2014

Information regarding the introduction to trading of the rights to series D shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) hereby gives notice that on 11 December 2014 the Management Board became aware about the resolution of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (the “WSE”) No. 1396/2014 of 11 December 2014, pursuant to which the Management Board of the WSE decided to introduce, as of 12 December 2014 and pursuant to a standard procedure, to trading on the main market of the WSE 55,000,000 rights to ordinary bearer series D shares
Report no. 43/2014

Registration of rights to series D shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the National Depository for Securities

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice that, pursuant to  Resolution No. 1041/14 of  the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities (the “NDS”) of 10 December 2014, the Management Board of the NDS resolved to register in the depository of securities maintained by the NDS 55,000,000 (fifty five million) rights to series D ordinary bearer shares of the Company and assign the code PLLOTOS00074 thereto.
Report no. 41/2014

Completion of public offering and allotment of series D bearer shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice of the materialization of the public offering and the issue of 55,000,000 series D ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 1 (one) each (the "New Shares") issued pursuant to Resolution No. 2 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 8 September 2014 on increasing the Company's share capital by way of issue of new shares, public offering of new shares, setting the record date for the entitlement of preemptive rights in respect of new shares for November 18th 2014, conversion into book-entry form and seeking admission of pre-emptive rights, allotment certificates and new shares to trading on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, amending the Company's Articles of Association and authorising the Supervisory Board to prepare a consolidated text of the Company’s Articles of Association, the wording of which was released to the public in the current report No. 19/2014 of 8 September 2014.
Report no. 40/2014

Execution of significant contracts between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Shell International Trading and Shipping Ltd.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. announces that in the period from April 11th 2014 to December 1st 2014, Grupa LOTOS S.A. entered into contracts with Shell International Trading and Shipping Ltd. of London for an aggregate value of approximately PLN 691m, i.e. the value of a significant contract (more than 10% of the equity of Grupa LOTOS S.A.).
Report no. 36/2014

Polish Financial Supervision Authority approved supplement no. 2 to the issue prospectus of Grupa LOTOS S.A. prepared in connection with the information regarding subscription for new shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the State Treasury

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”), with reference to current report No. 35/2014 of 20 November 2014, gives notice that on 21 November 2014 the Polish Financial Supervision Authority approved supplement no. 2 to the Company’s issue prospectus (“Supplement No. 2”) concerning subscription by the State Treasury for all new shares in the Company it is entitled to in the exercise of its preemptive rights.
Report no. 35/2014

Filing an application for approval of supplement no. 2 to the issue prospectus of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority in connection with the information regarding subscription for new shares in Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the State Treasury

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces that in connection with an announcement published on the website of the Ministry of State Treasury on 20 November 2014, stating that the Minister of State Treasury acting on behalf of the State Treasury will subscribe (within the subscription period) for all new shares in Grupa LOTOS it is entitled to in the exercise of its preemptive rights, on 20 November 2014 the Company filed an application with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (“PFSA”) for approval of supplement no. 2 to the Company’s issue prospectus approved on 7 November 2014 (the “Prospectus”).
Report no. 34/2014

Information regarding the listing of individual pre-emptive rights to the series D shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice that on 19 November 2014 the Management Board learned about an announcement issued by the Management Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) on 19 November 2014 in which the following information about the individual pre-emptive rights to the series D shares of the Company was provided:
Report no. 32/2014

Registration of individual pre-emptive rights to Series D shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the National Depository of Securities

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) gives notice that pursuant to Resolution No. 956/14 of 14 November 2014, the Management Board of the National Depository of Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A., the “NDS”) decided to register 129,873,362 (one hundred twenty-nine million eight hundred seventy-three thousand three hundred sixty-two) individual pre-emptive rights to the ordinary bearer Series D shares of the Company for which the record date is 18 November 2014 in the depository for securities kept by the NDS and assign to them the code PLLOTOS00058.
Report no. 30/2014

The execution of underwriting agreement by Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 12 November 2014, in connection with a rights issue by way of a public offering of 55,000,000 ordinary series D shares with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 per share in the Company (the “Offer Shares”) (the “Offering”), the Company and Société Générale, with its registered office in Paris, Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna Oddział – Dom Maklerski PKO Banku Polskiego w Warszawie, with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Joint Offering Agents”), Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., with its registered office in Wrocław, ING Bank N.V., with its registered office in Amsterdam, UniCredit CAIB Poland S.A., with its registered office in Warsaw (together with the Joint Offering Agents, the “Underwriters”) and ING Securities S.A., with its registered office in Warsaw (jointly with the Underwriters, the “Managers”) entered into an underwriting agreement (the “Underwriting Agreement”).
Report no. 29/2014

Publication of the prospectus of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and determination of the final number of new-issue shares offered by Grupa LOTOS S.A., their issue price and the number of new-issue shares to be subscribed for under one individual pre-emptive right

In connection with the approval of the Company’s prospectus by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on 7 November 2014, of which the Company gave notice in current report No. 28/2014 of 7 November 2014, the Management Board of the Company gives notice of the Prospectus being made available to the public on 13 November 2014 in electronic format on the website of the Company (www.lotos.pl)
Report no. 25/2014

Date and agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.1, 8.2, 8.5 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 129,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company's registered office at Elbląska Street 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on November 25h, 2014.
Report no. 24/2014

Extension of term of the credit facility for refinancing of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s inventories

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS S.A.” or the “Company”) reports that on October 29th 2014 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and a syndicate of six banks, comprising: - BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. of Warsaw, - MBANK S.A. of Warsaw, - ING BANK ŚLĄSKI S.A. of Katowice, - SOCIETE GENERALE S.A. of Paris, - BANK HANDLOWY W WARSZAWIE S.A. of Warsaw, and  - BANK ZACHODNI WBK S.A. of Wrocław, signed an amendment extending by 12 months, i.e. until December 20th 2015, the term of the credit facility agreement for refinancing and financing of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s inventories, made on October 10th 2012 (see: Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s Current Reports No. 32/2012 of October 10th 2012 and No. 35/2012 of October 31st 2012), previously amended on November 7th 2013 (see: Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s Current Reports No. 27/2013 of November 7th 2013 and No. 28/2013 of November 28th 2013), providing for a revolving credit facility of up to USD 400m (i.e. PLN 1,328m as translated at the USD/PLN mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for October 29th 2014).  
Report no. 23/2014

Assimilation of 7,020 Shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by the NDS

In reference to Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s Current Report No. 22/2014 of 17 October 2014, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that the Management Board of the Polish National Depository for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.) (the “NDS”) by virtue of Resolution No. 884/14 of 20 October 2014, decided to assimilate, on 24 October 2014, 7,020 (seven thousand twenty) ordinary bearer shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A., created through a conversion of 7,020 ordinary registered shares (ISIN code: PLLOTOS00033) on 24 October 2014, with 129,804,251 (one hundred and twenty nine million eight hundred four thousand two hundred and fifty one) ordinary bearer shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (ISIN code: PLLOTOS00025). The assimilated shares have been marked with ISIN code PLLOTOS00025.
Report no. 22/2014

Introduction of 7,020 Series A Shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A. to stock-exchange trading

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) (the “WSE”) by virtue of Resolution No. 1164/2014 of 17 October 2014 decided to introduce, in ordinary procedure, to stock-exchange trading, with effect from 24 October 2014, 7,020 (seven thousand twenty) Series A 
Report no. 21/2014

Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the Minister of State Treasury concluded an agreement concerning non-public aid support

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on October 15, 2014 the Company concluded an agreement concerning non-public aid support with the Minister of State Treasury representing the State Treasury of Poland and acting as the manager of the Enterprises Restructuring Fund (Fundusz Restrukturyzacji Przedsiębiorców) (the “Agreement”). 
Report no. 17/2014

Financing agreements to develop the B8 field

On August 25th 2014, B8 Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Baltic Spółka komandytowo-akcyjna ("B8 SPV"), an indirect subsidiary of Grupa LOTOS S.A. through LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. ("LOTOS Petrobaltic"), executed the following agreements with Polskie Inwestycje Rozwojowe S.A. ("PIR"), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego ("BGK") and Bank Pekao S.A. ("Bank Pekao") to finance the development of the B8 oil field in the Baltic Sea: the Senior Note Programme Agreement and the Subordinated Note Programme Agreement. 
Report no. 13/2014

Date and agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Art. 8.1, 8.2, 8.5 and 8.7 of the Articles of Association of Grupa LOTOS S.A., the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000106150, with a share capital of PLN 129,873,362 (fully paid up), holding Tax Identification Number NIP 583-000-09-60, hereby calls an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A., which will be held at the Company's registered office at ul. Elbląska 135, Gdańsk, Poland, at 11:00 am on September 8th 2014.
Report no. 7/2014

Date and agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Acting pursuant to Article 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.7 of the Company's Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. having its registered office in Gdańsk, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Gdańsk - Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000106150, share capital of PLN 129,873,362 (fully paid up), tax identification number NIP: 583-000-09-60, hereby convenes the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. to be held at 11.00 am on June 30th, 2014 in the Company’s registered office at Elbląska Street 135.
Report no. 28/2013

Fulfilment of condition precedent for entry into force of the Amendment to the Credit Facility Agreement for refinancing of Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s inventories

 On November 28th 2013, Grupa LOTOS S.A. submitted to BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A., acting as the credit facility agent (see Current Report No. 27/2013), a resolution of the Grupa LOTOS Supervisory Board approving the extension of the term and amendment of the Credit Facility Agreement for refinancing of the Company’s inventories.
Report no. 27/2013

Extension of term of the credit facility for refinancing of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s inventories

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS” or the “Company”) reports that on November 7th 2013 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and a consortium of five banks, comprising: - BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. of Warsaw, Poland, -  BRE BANK S.A. of Warsaw, Poland, - ING BANK ŚLĄSKI S.A. of Katowice, Poland, - NORDEA BANK AB (publ) of Stockholm, Sweden, -  SOCIETE GENERALE S.A. of Paris, France, signed an amendment extending by 12 months, i.e. until December 20th 2014, the term of the credit facility agreement for refinancing and financing of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s inventories, made on October 10th 2012 (see: Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s Current Reports No. 32/2012 of October 10th 2012 and No. 35/2012 of October 31st 2012), providing for a revolving credit facility of up to USD 400m (i.e. PLN 1,233m, as translated at the USD/PLN mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for November 7th 2013).
Report no. 26/2013

Execution of conditional agreement on purchase of assets on the Norwegian Continental Shelf by LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge (LEPN) – end of the disclosure delay period

Today, November 5th 2013, the Management of Grupa LOTOS S.A. has concluded the delay period for the disclosure of information on the execution of a conditional agreement, dated October 18th 2013, on the purchase of Heimdal assets on the Norwegian Continental Shelf by LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge (LEPN), a subsidiary of LOTOS Petrobaltic, with Centrica Norge, a subsidiary of Centrica Plc. of the UK.
Report no. 19/2013

Execution of significant contracts between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and BP Oil International Limited

The Grupa LOTOS Management Board reports that in the period from December 31st 2012 (date of publication of Current Report No. 47/2012) to August 28th 2013, Grupa LOTOS entered into contracts with BP Oil International Limited of London with an aggregate value of approximately PLN 668m, i.e. the value of a significant agreement (more than 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s equity).
Report no. 11/2013

Exceeding the threshold of 5% of the total vote at the General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. reports that it was notified today that – as a result of the acquisition of Grupa LOTOS shares in transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, settled on April 24th 2013 – the open-end pension fund ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (the “Fund”) increased its shareholding in the Company so that it exceeded the threshold of 5% of the total vote at the Company's General Meeting.
Report no. 42/2012

Execution of an agreement for aviation fuel supplies between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and LOTOS Tank Sp. z o.o.

On December 21st 2012, Grupa LOTOS and LOTOS Tank executed a contract for the supply of aviation fuel by Grupa LOTOS to LOTOS Tank (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grupa LOTOS). The contract was executed for an indefinite term. The estimated value of the contract in the period of five years is approximately PLN 2,500m, i.e. the value of a significant agreement (more than 10% of the equity of Grupa LOTOS).
Report no. 41/2012

Amendments to the Articles of Association of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

On December 20th 2012, Grupa LOTOS S.A. (Grupa LOTOS, Company) received a decision issued by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, concerning registration on December 17th 2012 of amendments to the Company's Articles of Association, introduced on November 28th 2011 by way of Resolutions No. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Extraordinary Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (See Current Report No. 40/2012 of November 28th 2011).
Report no. 35/2012

Fulfilment of condition precedent under credit facility agreement for the refinancing of existing credit facility contracted to finance Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s inventories

October 30th 2012 Grupa LOTOS submitted to BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A., acting as credit facility Agent (see Current Report No. 32/2012), a resolution of the Grupa LOTOS Supervisory Board concerning approval of the credit facility agreement of October 10th 2012, concluded between the Company and a bank syndicate
Report no. 32/2012

Execution of a credit facility agreement for the refinancing of an existing credit facility contracted to finance Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s inventories

On October 10th 2012, Grupa LOTOS and a syndicate of five banks, comprising: - BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. of Warsaw, Poland,- BRE BANK S.A. of Warsaw, Poland,- ING BANK ŚLĄSKI S.A. of Katowice, Poland,- NORDEA BANK AB (publ) of Stockholm, Sweden, - SOCIETE GENERALE S.A. of Paris, France, executed a credit facility agreement to refinance an existing credit facility, used to finance the Company's inventories, advanced to Grupa LOTOS pursuant to a credit facility agreement of December 20th 2007, as amended, by a syndicate comprising the following banks: BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. of Warsaw, POWSZECHNA KASA OSZCZĘDNOŚCI BANK POLSKI S.A. of Warsaw, BRE BANK S.A. of Warsaw, and NORDEA BANK POLSKA S.A. of Gdynia (Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s Current Report No. 55/2007 of December 20th 2007 and Grupa LOTOS S.A.'s Current Report No. 27/2011 of August 23rd 2011).
Report no. 20/2012

Date and agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Par. 8.1, Par. 8.2, Par. 8.3, Par. 8.4 and Par. 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk (the “Company”) hereby convenes the Annual General Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. for 11.00 am on June 28th 2012 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135 in Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 13/2012

Execution of crude supply contract between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Mercuria Energy Trading SA

On April 2nd 2012, Grupa LOTOS and Mercuria Energy Trading SA executed two contracts for the supply of crude oil to Grupa LOTOS. The contracts were executed for a definite period (from April 2nd 2012 to April 30th 2012). The aggregate value of the contracts is approximately PLN 811m, i.e. the value of a significant agreement (more than 10% of the equity of Grupa LOTOS).
Report no. 38/2011

Agreements executed between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Neste Oil Group

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Issuer”) reports that due to the execution of an agreement between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Neste Polska Sp. z o.o.  of Warsaw on December 23rd 2011, the total value of the agreements concluded by the Issuer and Neste Oil Group since the publication of current report No. 29/2011 dated October 19th 2011, is approximately PLN  1.5bn and has reached the value of a significant agreement, exceeding 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s equity.
Report no. 38/2011

Agreements executed between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Neste Oil Group

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the “Issuer”) reports that due to the execution of an agreement between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Neste Oil Oyj of Espoo on October 18th 2011, the total value of the agreements concluded by the Issuer and Neste Oil Group in the period of last twelve months, reached approximately PLN  702m and has reached the value of a significant agreement, exceeding the value of 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s equity.
Report no. 33/2011

Execution of an agreement for crude oil supplies between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Petraco Oil Company Ltd.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that due to the execution of an agreement between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Petraco Oil Company Ltd of Guernsey, the total value of the agreements concluded by the above mentioned companies  in the period from the date of publication of the previous report (No. 16/2011 of June 10th 2011) until today, i.e. August 22nd 2011, reached approximately USD 286.4m (i.e. PLN 828.9m, translated at the USD mid-exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland for August 22nd 2011).
Report no. 24/2011

Wording of the resolutions adopted by the General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. on August 8th 2011, and changes to the Company's Articles of Association.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the Company) hereby publishes the wording of the resolutions adopted by the General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. on August 8th 2011, including changes to the Company's Articles of Association; the resolutions are contained in an appendix to this Current Report.
Report no. 18/2011

Appointment of the Supervisory Board of the eighth term of office of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. ("the Company") hereby reports that on June 27th 2011 the following persons were appointed to the Supervisory Board of the eighth term of office:- Małgorzata Hirszel – Member of the Supervisory Board,- Oskar Pawłowski – Member of the Supervisory Board, - Michał Rumiński – Member of the Supervisory Board, - Ewa Sibrecht-Ośka – Member of the Supervisory Board, - Rafał Wardziński – Member of the Supervisory Board,- Leszek Starosta – Member of the Supervisory Board.
Report no. 17/2011

Appointment of member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. (the Company) hereby reports that acting on the basis ofPar.11.2 of the Company's Articles of Association, the State Treasury (a shareholder in the Company) appointed Mr Wiesław Skwarko to the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. for the joint eighth term of office, with effect from the date of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting convened for June 27th 2011.
Report no. 20/2012

Date and Agenda of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Par. 8.1, Par. 8.2, Par. 8.3, Par. 8.4 and Par. 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk hereby convenes the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. to be held at 11am on June 27th 2011 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135 in Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 9/2011

LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge AS (EPN) relinquishes its interest in exploration licence PL 556

Further to Current Report No. 6/2010 of January 20th 2010, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that on February 21st 2011 it was notified that LOTOS E&P Norge (controlled by LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A., in which the Company holds 99.32% of the share capital) had relinquished its 50% interest in licence PL 556 in the Norwegian Sea, awarded in the APA 2009 licensing round.
Report no. 5/2011

LOTOS Norge AS awarded interest in PL 503B Licence

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that on January 18th 2011, following completion of the pre-qualification round APA 2010, LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS (a wholly-owned subsidiary of LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A., in which Grupa LOTOS S.A. holds 99.32% of the share capital) was awarded a 25-percent interest in the PL 503B offshore licence located on the Norwegian Sea and was designated the licence operator.
Report no. 3/2011

Significant agreement for liquid fuel sale to BP Europa SE

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that on January 10th 2011 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and BP Europa SE of Hamburg operating in Poland through BP Europa SE department of Cracow  signed an agreement for the liquid fuel sale from Grupa LOTOS S.A.  to BP Europa SE Polish Department of Cracow.The agreement was executed for a specified period from January 10th  to December 31st2011, and its estimated net value is PLN  1.7bn.
Report no. 20/2012

Date and Agenda of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Pursuant to Art. 399.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Par. 8.1, Par. 8.2, Par. 8.3, Par. 8.4 and Par. 8.7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. of Gdańsk hereby convenes the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Grupa LOTOS S.A. to be held at 12 midday on June 28th 2010 at the Company’s registered office at ul. Elbląska 135 in Gdańsk, Poland.
Report no. 43/2009

Execution of a significant agreement for crude oil supplies between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and Mercuria Energy Trading SA.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that on  December 4th 2009, Grupa LOTOS SA signed an agreement with Mercuria Energy Trading SA of Geneva, for the supply of 18 million tonnes of REBCO crude oil by Mercuria Energy Trading SA to Grupa LOTOS SA, in the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st 2014. According to the agreement the supplies will be executed through the Druzhba pipeline or, in certain situations, by sea.
Report no. 41/2009

Exceeding the Threshold of 5% of the Total Vote at the GM of Grupa LOTOS S.A. by ING Polska OFE

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that it has been notified today by ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny that following a purchase of Grupa LOTOS S.A. shares in transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, settled on November 19th 2009, ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (“the Fund”) became the holder of the Company shares conferring the right to over 5% of the total vote
Report no. 25/2009

Agreements Concluded between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and J&S Service and Investment Ltd whose Total Value Reached the Value of a Material Agreement

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that the total value of agreements executed between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and J&S Service and Investment Ltd in the last twelve months amounted to USD 180.4m (or PLN 563.6m translated at the mid-exchange rate quoted for USD by the National Bank of Poland on July 3rd 2009), and reached the value of a material agreement as it exceeded 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s equity.
Report no. 59/2008

Position of the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. Regarding the Recommendation by UniCredit

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS finds the conclusions contained in UniCredit’s recommendation of November 21st 2008 to be entirely without foundation. Particularly the suggestions that Grupa LOTOS may be facing bankruptcy lack any basis in reality. In the Management Board’s opinion, the recommendation referred to above represents an unprecedented attempt to discredit Grupa LOTOS in the eyes of investors, clients and financing institutions.
Report no. 57/2008

Agreements Concluded between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and StatoilHydro ASA, for an Aggregate Value Corresponding to the Value of a Significant Agreement

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that the total value of the agreements concluded between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and StatoilHydro ASA within the last 12 months stands at USD 276.7m (or PLN 766.5m at the mid exchange rate quoted for USD by the National Bank of Poland as at  November 3rd 2008) and has thus reached the significant value threshold, that is it has exceeded 10% of Grupa LOTOS S.A.’s equity.
Report no. 56/2008

Finalisation of Acquisition of Interests in the Exploration Licence PL455

Further to current report No. 48/2008 of August 26th 2008, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. reports that as all the conditions precedent have been fulfilled, on October 31st 2008 LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS (wholly-owned by Petrobaltic S.A., which in turn is controlled by Grupa LOTOS S.A. in 69%) acquired all the rights and obligations connected with the ownership of a 20% interest in exploration licence PL455, covering an area of 1365 square km located in the southern part of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
Report no. 55/2008

Specification of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Resources – Supplementary Information

Further to Current Report No. 51/2008 of October 17th 2008 which contained data concerning crude oil and natural gas resources of the LOTOS Group, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that the abovementioned report presented the levels of crude oil and natural gas resources as at January 1st 2008 corresponding to the interests in the exploration and production licences held by the companies of the LOTOS Group as at October 17th 2008.
Report no. 52/2008

Extension of Two Licences Granted to Petrobaltic S.A. for Production of Natural Gas from the B6 and B4 Fields

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that yesterday (on October 16th 2008) it was notified that Petrobaltic S.A. (which is 69% controlled by Grupa LOTOS S.A.) received the decision of the Minister of the Environment concerning the extension of the validity period of the licence for production of natural gas from the B6 field and the change of the period in which production should begin under the licences for the B6 and B4 fields.
Report no. 49/2008

Registration of Share Capital Increase at Subsidiary Undertaking LOTOS Serwis Sp. z o.o.

Further to Current Report No. 43/2008 dated August 6th 2008, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that today it was notified of the registration, on September 17th 2008, by the District Court of Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, of a share capital increase at subsidiary undertaking LOTOS Serwis Sp. z o.o.
Report no. 48/2008

Finalisation of Acquisition of Interests in the Norwegian Production Licences

Further to current report No. 23/2008 of May 20th 2008, the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. reports that as all the conditions precedent have been fulfilled, on August 29th 2008 LOTOS E&P Norge AS acquired all the rights and obligations connected with the ownership of a 10% interest in North Sea production licences No. 316, 316B, 316CS i 316DS. The acquired licences cover the YME field, which is located 110 km off the coast in the southern part of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, and an additional exploration area.
Report no. 1/2009

Acquisition of New Issue Shares in LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS by Petrobaltic S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. reports that on August 26th 2008 the Management Board of Petrobaltic S.A. resolved to commence the procedure for registration of another share capital increase effected this year at LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS (see: Current Report No. 22/2008 of May 19th 2008) and of acquisition of the new issue shares in the company by Petrobaltic S.A. (in which Grupa LOTOS S.A. holds 69% of the shares).
Report no. 45/2008

Registration of an Amendment to the Articles of Association of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. hereby reports that today it received the decision issued by the District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, concerning the registration on August 11th 2008 of an amendment to Par. 15.2 of the Articles of Association of the Company, made by virtue of Resolution No. 32 of the General Shareholders Meeting of June 30th 2008.